Good Fat vs. Bad Fats

All right let’s talk about good fats and bad fats.

Let’s start over here at the bad fats. Soy, corn, canola, cotton seed…all GMO, okay, the
processing of these oils they use a solvent called Hexane sometimes which is kind of toxic
not to mention there could be traces of glyphosate, which is an herbicide.

But these are severely heated and they’re in a lot of foods that we eat. They’re definitely in some common foods like mayonnaise okay so if you just go to the grocery store and you start reading labels you’re going to see this one number one or this one right here. Mayonnaise salad dressing is another big one right here and even hummus right they don’t even make it with olive oil anymore.

They have to put these other oils in there so you just need to start reading labels.

So these are inflammatory. Stay away from them of course. Margarine that’s a given has trans fats.
Crisco, for example, was on the market for 97 years. It might still be on the market but as far
as trans fats go several years ago i think it was in 2015 the FDA finally put a ban on it but then
they gave these companies three years to phase out of these trans fats and so at this point i don’t
even know who complied and who didn’t comply but the fact that trans fats the most deadly fats in our food supply has been on the market for 97 years is just insane.

I mean before the trans fats we had things like tallow and lard is pig fat and tallow is beef fat or lamb fat and of course ingrained into our mind. You know these are poison and this is the health food remember the commercial they talked about it’s not nice to fool mother nature i don’t even understand what that means because they are fooling mother nature with margarine the other place that so many people are getting these oils into their body which by the way are loaded with omega-6 fatty acids and it’s just way way out of proportion because we want to balance the six with the omega-3 fatty acid is in fast food restaurants as well as other restaurants that are not fast food they put it in there in sauces they definitely use it to deep fry things and that’s what you’re getting.

You’re getting a lot of these oils. Let’s just shift over to these oils right here: safflower
oil, sunflower oil, flax oil, sesame seed oil, which then turns into this tahini butter and then
certain nut oils like peanut oil, macadamia nut oil, these are okay for certain people in smaller
amounts as long as they’re cold pressed.  Organic would be preferable but if you have too much   even safflower oil or sunflower oil it can be way too too much in omega-6 so I actually don’t even recommend it but in small amounts here and there it’s going to be okay.

Flax oil is very estrogenic; the only time I would recommend that is for females that are lacking   estrogen and maybe they need a little boost over a short period of time but definitely not ferment   and then we have sesame seed oil or tahini butter again small amounts make sure it’s cold   pressed and you can get raw tahini butter which is actually better than than overly processed and   then of course the nut oils again, they’re omega-6. So small amounts here and there preferably organic so this is a no this is occasionally for certain people but let’s get to the good fats.

Cod liver oil is one of the best oils to give you omega-3 fatty acids both DHA which your brain   needs and EPA which your brain and nervous system need as well as your immune system not to mention vitamin D and vitamin A and then we have avocado oil that’s really good to put on your salad or you can even cook with it it does have vitamin E if you cook with it the heat is going to kill off vitamin E.

Okay then we have lard which is considered something that’s going to clog your arteries. Of course certain cultures certain religions do not consume lard or anything connected with a pig. Other
people when they think about pig or pig fat they’re thinking about processed pork, uh factory
farming… I’m not talking about that I’m talking about getting something like wild boar fat which
are pigs which are which are boars that have lived in the open forest.

In Texas and you can
get the fat from that it’s high in vitamin d3 so ideally you’d want organic pastured lard if you’re going to actually get that to cook with or use in certain recipes but if we were to compare this with this this is like synthetic plastic and this has been used for a very long time and it doesn’t create the oxidation that these type of fats do. It’s very stable it’s good to cook with then you have Kala which is beef fat i would recommend grass-fed. You can get either bison beef or lamb. It’s great to cook with there’s a lot of vitamins there’s a lot of nutrition and it won’t irritate your gut problems so either one of these is good for someone with an autoimmune disease that has a lot of inflammation in the gut. Camel fat okay which is some people never heard of that but yes camels have fat and you can actually buy that fat and you can cook with it and you can put it in various recipes it’s loaded with b12; it’s loaded with the active form of vitamin A. It has good amounts of omega-3 fatty acid; it has good amounts of CLA which is a healthy type of fat that actually can stimulate your metabolism then we have butter okay grass-fed.

I would always recommend if you could find organic raw that would be the ideal situation but butter has vitamin K2, omega-3 fatty acids and CLA. Organic ghee from grass-fed cows is also really good to cook with as well; it’s clarified which means they get rid of all the solids so you’re not going to be exposing your body to any type of protein particles that you can have an allergy to or the lactose which is the milk sugar but for the most part you’re not going to see much of that in butter.  But for some people that are really sensitive they should do ghee and then of course we have olive oil, one of my favorites. Always get the extra virgin and get it from a real quality source. I order this from this version right here. I love this version; it’s from Italy and it’s high quality. The farm where they grow this takes great pride in making high quality olive oil and it’s just very very fresh. It’s like way different than stuff you would get it you know in America at Costco which i don’t even know if it’s legitimate but this is a seriously high quality product. I’ll put a link down below if you want more information about it. I don’t get any kickbacks but I like to recommend products that are high quality and then we have palm oil which is very controversial so the type of palm oil that i would recommend is the eco-friendly, environmentally friendly palm oil that uses certain pharma that doesn’t destroy our planet. The red palm has some pretty pretty high level of antioxidants as well as beta carotene and then we have coconut oil okay high in lauric acid. It turns into ketones it’ll help ketosis and it’s really good to cook with and of course you’d want to get the coconut oil that’s also eco-friendly.

All right so there you go, there’s a quick summary of the good and bad oils and these right here that kind of fit right in between.

Hey before you go real quick. I have a course entitled how to bulletproof your immune system. It’s a free course i want you to take it and here’s why. Here’s you. Here is your environment. Everyone is focused on this over here avoiding your environment but what about here? What about strengthening your immune system that’s what’s missing. This course will show you how to bulletproof yourself and so you can tolerate and resist your environment much better by strengthening your own immune system. I put a link down in the description right down below.
Check it out and get signed up today.